Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Insomnia ft. 84 Single

A while ago. And by "while," we mean a couple years ago, we recorded a song for The Rootdown.tv compilation featuring Fatnice and A.U.L. P.U.R.P.I.S. of 84. We were talking a lot at the time, about being steadily ignored in Philly even though we were hosting mad parties and releasing multiple mixtapes a year. It seemed like just about everybody was sleeping on us. So we made this joint but only released it on that compilation. We have decided to make it an official release and the song can now be found on iTunes and on our bandcamp music site. Enjoy.

Purchase Here.

1 comment:

Jason Nichols said...

Yo, this is Jason from them Rootdown days.

Thank you guys so much for contributing that amazing track to that mixtape. Rootdown was a passion for us and it gave us an opportunity to meet so many amazing people in Philly and beyond. It also gave us a chance to support the culture that we all believe in so much.

I miss those days and miss all of you.
